Thursday, April 7, 2011


I am on this NO TV kick. I just can't stand the TV on. There are no kids in our neighborhood and Keaton doesn't go to pre-school so he gets a little bored. My friend Allyson shared this cool blog with me full of kids ideas. No Time For Flash Cards is a pretty cool place to visit. I hope I go there a lot to keep this little guy busy and off the TV. I made her favorite play dough recipe today and they have been playing for 2 hours.....aaahhhhhh. Keaton even helped me mix it up. It is such a smooth nice playdough. Enjoy!

P.S. I did have some better shots of Savannah smiling but this one of Keaton was priceless :)

NTFFC Favorite Playdough

(measure everything EXACT)

2 1/2 cups flour

1/2 c salt

3 Tbsp oil

1 Tbsp alum (why I had this on hand I am not sure :)

2 cups boiling water

food coloring of your choice

Mix together and you are done! If it is too oily add more flour (that will make it dry out faster though....mine was perfect as is after it cooled) if it is too sticky add more oil.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget the dye goes into the water first --unless you want marbled play dough. I always forget that. After a few days it melds through i guess.
